Links and Accomplishments, 10/18/15 to 10/31/15

Witness my sad crying glitter pumpkin…


I love the Victorian era. So I decided to live in it. Apparently this article caused a kerfuffle when it first came out? I dunno, I unironically loved it. Yes, the tone comes off a bit condescending at times. Yes, I’m sure there are many, many ways they are still benefiting from the advantages of the 21st century — how did the author write this blog piece, after all, without a computer? But I would love to be able to do this for a few days, a week, a month — just to get a taste of an era I find fascinating.

Friendship’s Frequency. This rang very true for me. I have been Busy Betty in many friendships, and I’m still learning how to manage the thinly-cut slices of my social pie.


– Edited Lioness chapters 8, 9, and 10 to send to writing group
– Wrote 767 new words on Lioness (which turned into 340 due to the edits I did)
– Submitted “Remember to Die” to Shimmer (yeah, I know, flash is a hard sell with them — see below for my inevitable rejection. I tried because I read Rachael K. Jones recent flash story and was like, hmm, okay, that’s sorta the same thing I’m trying to do. It was not).
– Wrote blog post “A Tale of Two Janes (or, September Book Mini-Reviews)”
– Wrote two new poems

– Read “Anna Saves them All,” by Seth Dickinson, Shimmer #21
– Read “The Law of the Conservation of Hair,” Rachael K. Jones, Shimmer #27
– Finished reading The Traitor Baru Cormorant, by Seth Dickinson
– Read/listened to Tremontaine episode one, by Ellen Kushner and a bunch of other cool people

Other Media
– Watched the RiffTrax of No Retreat No Surrender
– Watched the RiffTrax of The Night That Dracula Saved The World
– Watched a bunch of new-to-me Vincent Price movies: Master of the World, War Gods of the Deep, Last Man on Earth, Comedy of Terrors, Scream and Scream Again
– Listened to Happier with Gretchen Rubin, episode 34 and 35
– Listened to Writing Excuses episode 10.42 and 10.43

– NPCed for Cottington Woods 3.4
– Wrote NPC PEL for Shadows of Amun game 10

– Painted a checkered pumpkin à la this tutorial, which turned out… well, judge for yourself.

– Did 11am/3pm office exercises x 2
– Did Hacker’s Diet Introductory Fitness Ladder workout (rung 2) x 1
– Had a massage

Rejection Log

– “Remember to Die,” Shimmer

Author: Lise

Hi, I'm Lise Fracalossi, a web developer, writer, and time-lost noblethem. I live in Central Massachusetts with my husband, too many cats, and a collection of ridiculous hats that I rarely wear.